Jack Franklin

Writing Command Line Tools with Node

Back in August 2012 I wrote a post on building a command line tool in NodeJS. That post is now over two years old and plenty has changed, hence I thought it worth writing a new post building the same tool, showing how I'd do it now.

We're going to build the same tool, one that's used to search a directory for files that match a given string. This is not a very useful plugin, but will let me demonstrate the basics of building a CLI in NodeJS.

Creating the Project

First things first: let's create a new project. Create a directory for the project, enter it and run npm init to initialise the new project with a package.json file. Answer the prompts if you wish, or just hit enter a bunch of times to get a template package.json file that you can fill out at your own leisure.

Editing package.json

The package.json file is used by npm, Node's package manager, to know about your project, its dependencies and how it works. We need to make a couple of edits to it.

"name": "filesearch",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "searches for files",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "JavaScript Playground",
"license": "ISC",
"preferGlobal": true,
"bin": {
"filesearch": "index.js"

Creating the Script

Create index.js and add this to the top:

#! /usr/bin/env node

console.log('This is the filesearch script.');

Installing the Script

Now in your project you can run npm link to install the script on your system. This creates a symlink to your project so that you can run the project whilst working on it, with no need to keep reinstalling it over and over again.

Once npm link has run, you should be able to run filesearch on the command line and see the string printed back:

~/git/filesearch > filesearch
This is the filesearch script.

Processing Arguments

filesearch is going to be called with one argument, which is going to be the pattern to search through files for. We need to get at that argument. When a Node.js script is executed on the command line, the process.argv array contains all the arguments used to call that script.

Change index.js so it instead logs out this array:


And now run the script again, this time with an argument:

~/git/filesearch > filesearch foo
[ 'node', '/Users/jackfranklin/.nvm/v0.10.32/bin/filesearch', 'foo']

The first argument is always node, and the second is the path to the file that has been executed. Any following arguments are ones that the user has called your script with, and those are the ones we care about. We can use slice to get an array of just the arguments we need:

var userArgs = process.argv.slice(2);

var searchPattern = userArgs[0];

Now we have the one argument we need.

Searching for Files

We'll hand the actual searching of the files over to a combination of two Unix commands, ls and grep. We can use ls -a to list all files in the current directory, and pass them to grep to search for our actual pattern.

To run a command in the system we can use the exec method of the child_process module - a module that comes with Node and doesn't need to be separately installed - to execute the right command, passing in the search pattern the user passed in through to grep:

var exec = require('child_process').exec;
var child = exec('ls -a | grep ' + searchPattern, function(

) {

And that is that! We can now run filesearch and see the results:

~/git/filesearch > filesearch package

Next Steps

If this was a real module that I was working on publishing there's a couple of things I'd do before hitting npm publish:

When your module is ready, simply run npm publish to push it onto npm. If you've not registered on npm, you can run npm adduser and follow the prompts to set up and authenticate yourself.

Once published, users can then install your module using npm install --global filesearch.